
Why xenoestogens are suppressing our Testosterone.

First off, what the heck is a xenoetrogen ? Well a Xenoestrogens is a synthetically produced chemical that acts as endocrine system disruptor by mimicking the hormone estrogen in our body. Extra synthetic estrogen is definitely not something men or even women need in their system. There are multiple Xenoestrogens that we are exposed to daily. Here are some of the most common ones.

1) Biphenol A or commonly referred to as BPA. This chemical used in manufacturing plastics has been around for a century but wasn’t widely studied as an endocrine disruptor until that last couple decades. This Study of adolescent males found BPA to lower testosterone, increase estrogen and increase SHBG. ( SHBG essentially makes your testosterone useless by attaching to it ) Another study found that “The finding of an association between BPA levels and an increased risk of impaired male sexual function is most likely to reflect the effect of current BPA exposure because of the relatively fast metabolism of BPA in the body (Chapin et al, 2008).” In conclusion, the results from this study provide evidence of a correlation between increased BPA levels and declining male sexual function. Our finding further supports our previously reported association between exposure to BPA and the risk of male sexual dysfunction (Li et al, 2010).”
The effects of BPA get worse, Another study showed that BPA increased the affects of the aromatase enzyme which breaks down testosterone into estrogen.
Essentially BPA destroys our testosterone levels through multiple pathways.

2) Another example of a testosterone killing Xenoestrogen are called phalates. Phalates are also used in plastic manufacturing to make the plastic soft an pliable . This study indicated that the phalate benzene made other xenoestrogens that had only “slight structural analogy and weak receptor affinity can perturb the endocrine system.”

So how are we getting exposed to these Xenoestrogens ?

Our daily lives are plagued with Xenoestrogen exposure. From Every plastic bottle we drink out of to Canned food preservatives to the toilet paper in your bathroom..

Avoiding exposure are plastic bottles of water and soda. Which give us a double whammy of xenoestrogen leakage into our drinks. Phalates from the original container construction then BPA leaches off bottle from the acidity of the soda or heat exposure is the first easy way to cut down your exposure .
Another major culprit of xenoestrgen exposure is microwaving food in plastic containers. This cooks the testosterone killer right into your food.

Li, D.-K., Zhou, Z., Miao, M., He, Y., Qing, D., Wu, T., Wang, J., Weng, X., Ferber, J., Herrinton, L. J., Zhu, Q., Gao, E. and Yuan, W. (2010), Relationship Between Urine Bisphenol-A Level and Declining Male Sexual Function. Journal of Andrology, 31: 500–506. doi: 10.2164/jandrol.110.010413